I was fixing some MCR boards this week and came across a Domino Man
boardset with CPU roms that aren't the same ones as in Mame. I did a
checksum on all the roms and these are the only 4 that are different.
The Labels all say "Satan's Hollow", which are crossed out and
hand-written "D.M."
The CPU roms work fine in the game board, but when I dump them into Mame
the foreground characters are pixely blocks.
I don't know the game that well, but one difference between these roms
and the standard roms seems to be that I can walk the character up into
the upper left-hand corner and go to the next level without finishing
the current level.
Perhaps this was a prototype board, and the programmer wanted the
ability to move easily from level to level?
Anyway - I put them here
<http://games.rossiters.com/manuals/Domino%20Man/DM.rar> if anyone wants
to mess around with them. There might be some interesting finds. :)
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