Re: Fluke Pods?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 15:19:12 EST

Hi Kev!<br>
Both units use the same pods, and I haven't priced out them lately. I have a spare 9010 with a Z80 and a few other pods that I will be eBaying soon.<br>
John :-#)#<br>
At 01:08 PM 12/28/1999 -0800, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite cite>What is the availability of Fluke pods, especially Z80 &amp; 6502?<br>
Are there any differences between the 9000 and 9010 in terms of pods?<br>
What is the best price on one of these items?<br>
Received on Tue Dec 28 15:19:12 1999

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