>You should be able to tell if you have the programming option by
> looking for the 9 pin D-type connection (like a serial port) on the back.
Nope, I don't have it, but for some reason I do have the two 25 pin
COM ports - utterly useless!
>PS - If anyone understands keyboard interfacing and might be able to figure
>out what makes the Fluke keyboard special (and hopefully make an adapter for
>normal keyboards), let me know. I have a Fluke keyboard, minus keys, that I
>can loan out if someone is serious about the project.
I ran across a blurb in the service manual than mentions it uses a
2400 (IIRC) baud serial interface. My plan *was* to use a COM port on
a PC to emulate the keyboard (there was also a table listing the
key mapping), but there is little point if it won't get me anywhere.
Sigh, thanks for your help. Looks like its back to the 9010 for me :-(
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