It's low on the input and output of A5 because that interface IC only fires
up when you are no doing self test. When you are doing self test, it gets
its clock from the socket, which gets them from U22. U22 gets enables when
you flip that switch to 6809E. And the input clock source to U22 comes from
a clock divider (U21) that is clocked by by U23. So..... put the CPU
connector in the socket and look at U22. If the output is low is it
enabled? Is the input low? If it is is the clock divider running?
If U22 is enables and the input is toggling but the output is low the I
would suspect that the 6809E you are using in the micro socket might have
gone bad is is pulling those lines low.
Lemme know what you find...
>From: Eggwheatis@aol.com
>To: ajcrm125@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: 6809 pod problems
>Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:32:03 EDT
>Hi Adam, Ok well the latest is I've been checking the clocks...The E clock
>held low at the processor...The self test socket seems to output the Q and
>clock ok, but as soon as you plug the the CPU connector in the self test
>socket it holds the E clock low. It's low on the input and output of A5 the
>interface(protection?) IC. What do you think?
>I really appreciate your time!
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Received on Tue Jul 15 12:08:31 2003
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