RE: 9010A Code Generator Question

From: James Bright <>
Date: Sun Aug 27 2006 - 15:20:32 EDT

Eventually... Just not a whole lot of time right now because I'm in the
middle of re-writing quarterarcade (from the ground up... Reflects things
we've learned over the last 5 years of doing business). You can change the
program name online in the generator by clicking the Edit link. I know it's
a PITA ... And it's not the first time someone has requested this feature.

If I get a free couple of hours I'll look into how much work this would


--James Bright
Restored Arcade Games for your Home

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matt Rossiter
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 3:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Techtoolslist] 9010A Code Generator Question
> This is a very handy tool to work with when you want to do
> some quick tests. I love it.
> I have just one itty bitty suggestion, unless I'm just doing
> something wrong. When you generate a test script for a game,
> say Tempest, the ROM Program names it automatically creates
> are generally "illegal" when they are compiled through FIDE.
> I guess it has to be a certain length? So, I just have to
> edit each ROM program name so that it can compile the script
> and send it to the troubleshooter. For example, I would
> normally take a generated name like 136002123 and manually
> change it to ROM123.
> g=3057&set=tempest&cpu=5526
> James, would it be possible to add an optional function that
> could automatically truncate the ROM Program names? Maybe
> have something where it adds "rom" to the beginning and the
> last 3 or 4 characters of the rom name to the end? I don't
> mind doing it manually, or maybe come up with a script of my
> own, but that would be super cool.
> Matt
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