On May 20, 4:54pm, Gregg Woodcock wrote:
> Subject: Re: Need help with speech board pinout!
> >Hmm, I've never seen a Speech board with only 4 pins (I've seen 6, and 5 is
> >common, too). Are you sure you have a speech board? Should have a 6 pin
> >header, with a 8035 or 8039 chip, with 3 EPROMS (one 2715, two 2732).
> >
> >Either way, with a speech board, the pinouts are as follows:
> >
> >Speech Board
> >------------
> > 1 - Empty
> > 2 - Empty
> > 3 - Empty
> > 4 - Audio out
> > 5 - Shield
> > 6 - input from pin 1 of Battlestar Sound Board
> >
> >This is assuming you have the boards vertical in the cage, with the parts
> >to your right and solder side to your left, counting from the top down.
> >is pretty easy to spot.
> >
> >Usually the sound boards only have four pins. Are you sure you don't have a
> >sound board? FYI, pin 2 and 3 are for audio left and right, apparently for
> >simulated stereo set up (does the StarTrek cockpit have simulated stereo?).
> YOu are, of course, correct. I knew the one board was the universal
> sound board and assumed that the other was the speech board. I pulled
> it out and it is a meatball sound board. In any case, the harness
> connector has 6 pins but the PCB connector has only 4. Here is how I
> *think* the 2 boards should be connected:
> Meatball sound board Universal sound board
> / /
> +-------------------------------------+
> | S|P S|p |
> | o|a o|a |
> | l|r harness l|r |harness
> | d|t | d|t | |
> | e|s V e|s | V
> | r| r| |
> | ---- ---Yellow ---- ---Yellow
> | ---- ---Black ---- ---NC
> | ---- ---Green ---- ---NC
> | ---- ---NC ---- ---Black
> | | ---NC | |
> | | ---NC | |
> +-------------------------------------+
BZZZZ! Wrong answer.
First of all, what game are you running? If StarTrek, you need a Universal
sound board and a Star Trek speech board. The speech board will have 6 or 5
Second, even if that was a speech board, you have the speech board connector
upside down.
Thanks for the picture, though! I've been trying to explain it in words to
some people.
So it should be like this for Star Trek
> Star Trek Speech board Universal sound board
> / /
> +-------------------------------------+
> | S|P S|p |
> | o|a o|a |
> | l|r harness l|r |harness
> | d|t | d|t | |
> | e|s V e|s | V
> | r| r| |
> | ---- ---NC ---- ---Yellow
> | ---- ---NC ---- ---NC
> | ---- ---NC ---- ---NC
> | ---- ---Green ---- ---Black
> | ---- ---Black | |
> | ---- ---Yellow | |
> +-------------------------------------+
However, according to my records, you ordered a Speech board populated with
Zektor, so if you are trying to run Zektor, replace the above StarTrek speech
board with the Speech board I sent you and replace the Universal Sound board
with the Meatball sound board. Of course, unless you have the special chip,
this won't do you any good (hurry up, David ;-))
________________ ______ ___ _____ __
/ __/ / / / |/ / / |/ //|/|/|_______________
Mark Jenison / __/ /_/ / / / | // | / |__ __/ _ /__ \
jenison@cig.mot.com /___/___/_/_//_/_/_/|_//__|/__| / / / // / /
Sega XY FAQ author /_/|_| /_/ /____/_/|_|
________________ The One and Only 4-player vector game
Received on Tue May 20 14:26:54 1997
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