Zektor for the masses

From: Fish, David <dfish_at_bev.etn.com>
Date: Wed May 21 1997 - 13:52:30 EDT

>>Mark Jenison wrote:
>>However, according to my records, you ordered a Speech board populated with
>>Zektor, so if you are trying to run Zektor, replace the above StarTrek
>>board with the Speech board I sent you and replace the Universal Sound board
>>with the Meatball sound board. Of course, unless you have the special chip,
>>this won't do you any good (hurry up, David ;-))
 I guess it's time for an update. Here's where I'm at. The Zektor chip
has been cracked and it's
scrambling algorithm has been 100% figured out. The patch list for the
EPROM data has been
completed; there's 50 bytes spread throughout 7 of the EPROMs which need
to be changed.
The new CRC values will need to be calculated and added to the patch
list (up to 16 more bytes
to patch). Once that's done I'll make the new binaries available to
anybody who wants them.
If all goes well it should be completed by Memorial Day.

Dave Fish | "We want...Information.
Melrose, MA USA | You won't get it!
   dfish@bev.etn.com (work) | By hook or by crook we will"
   fishd@tiac.com (/work) | _The Prisoner_
Received on Wed May 21 10:56:37 1997

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