Re: G-05 monitors

From: Werner Sharp <>
Date: Wed Aug 06 1997 - 18:17:41 EDT

At 02:25 PM 8/6/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I just got some mail from Frazee saying that he has a bunch of G-05's that
>aren't too burned in. Do you remember looking at any of these when you were
>up there Joe? I've started working on a little cine -> G05 adapter board
>using modern (.ie still in production) parts, duplicating the
>of the Cine monitor and thought it might be worth picking up a couple if
>they were cheap enough, and weren't toast.

I ordered a couple of these about a month ago. Except for the incredible
amount of dust on them they seem to be in really good shape. One is still
buried in the copious amounts of peanuts he packed it in but the other one
is virtually burn-in free. When I took it out of the box I actually
thought it looked like a brand new tube. Your results may very: I bugged
him about giving me good ones since he screwed up one of my other orders.
I paid $40 each I think plus shipping.

Werner Sharp or

Anyone have a Lunar Lander control panel FS/T? Please!

Possibly FS (Oakland, CA): Omega Race (DOA), Asteroids in Lunar Lander cab,
   Space Duel, 2 Player Football, I, Robot (in a Firefox cab),
   Liberator (might be sold already)
Received on Wed Aug 6 15:16:35 1997

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