Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- (no subject)
- AM6012 source
- Amplifone HV
- Ampliphone Monitor Brackets
- amusing prices
- analog line clipping
- asteroids schematic
- Asteroids Schematic ?
- Atari sound info needed for emulator
- Atari trimmer pots
- Axtarac spiner / joystick
- Aztarac schematics
- Barrier drawings up
- Barrier sound board looks like Space War!
- Battlezone story
- Bizarre Tailgunner (2) Experience
- Blacklist...
- Boxing Bugs
- broker scum
- Card Position G 80
- cine -> wg adapter
- cine monitor watchdog
- Cine service notes scanned in
- Cine' Exorcisor & SC_FREE Star Trek
- deadbeat list
- deadbeat list (Zach)
- deflection coil values
- DVG up on spies
- encoder schematic
- ESB cockpit
- Frazee's auction (work together)?
- Frazee's XY auction
- G-05 monitors
- G-80 Trouble Shooting
- G08 power transistors
- G08's and inductive kick
- HI-5045 pinouts
- HP panel-mount encoders
- I have a reactor manual
- interesting coincidence..
- interesting part
- John's reply
- Mad Planets encoder
- Mad Planets encoder board
- Major Havoc -> Tempest Adapter Schematic
- Mike Mixon
- Monitor capacitor failure analysis...
- More Rotary Encoders
- neo-geo package
- new G80 scans
- newark on-line catalog
- omega race drawings
- omega race schematics
- PIC on speed...
- prototype PC boards
- Quantum emulator
- reactor tb schematic up
- replacement for 6012?
- replacement for 6012? (pricing)
- Rocky's phone number
- Sega G08 service manual
- Sega HV output transistor
- so, who won?
- Speech Chips & Simulation
- Star Tech article on LF13331
- Star Wars Sound ROM corrupt?
- tail gunner II cover scan
- Tailgunner has a special monitor?
- TL182 cross
- two older speech articles
- updated timer.tiff scan
- vdr characteristics
- Vector list woes
- vector monitors
- Vector Posse?
- Vstick
- What To Pick For The PIC
- whereabouts of Larry Rosenthal
- which encoder wheel?
- Will you test my Amplifone boards?
- WTD: Scan of Major havoc control panel and Marque
- XY winner
- zektor speech roms
- zektor speech roms are fine
- Last message date: Sat Aug 30 1997 - 14:24:43 EDT
- Archived on: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 23:31:09 EDT