Re: G-05 monitors

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Fri Aug 08 1997 - 12:21:00 EDT

In message "Re: G-05 monitors", you write:

>> My question is this:
>> Is there a trouble shooting guide for this monitor anywhere?
>Someone posted this to RGVAC once, but I don't remember who. I tried a
>few months back to find-out who wrote it, but no one admitted to it. I
>suppose they were afraid I'd be asking them about my Space War... :-)
>So your Cinematronics/Vectorbeam vector game doesn't work, eh? Maybe I
>can help.

I wrote it.

THANX...Gregg   day 214.684.7380  night UNLIST/PUBL   TEXAS NOT CANADA!
"If you quote me on this I'll have to deny it; I won't remember because
I have such a bad memory.  Not only that, but my memory is *terrible*."
Received on Fri Aug 8 09:23:56 1997

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