At 01:52 PM 8/19/97 -0500,
(Joseph J. Welser) wrote:
> I had heard about this. Doesn't the Morse code say "Atari Sucks" or
>something like that, or is this just a vector game urban legend...
That's what the Joe (the Cinematronics tech) remebered also, so we set out
to verify this. We first checked the original ROMs that were shipped with
the machine, and it turns out be be random dashes and dots, no real
letters. The prototype ROMs had actual morse characters at about 15 words
per minute that would send "C-I-N-E-M-A-T" then the next time,
"R-O-N-I-C-S-C" and then "I-N-E-M-A-T-R", and so on. So it seems to be a
rotating buffer of 7 characters with "Cinematronics" eventually spelled
out. Being that Joe was under the impression that it said something about
Atari, I almost wonder if the programmer talked about it, but never did it.
I guess we can file it under urban legend.
Bill Paul
Q-161A2 619-658-3741
Received on Tue Aug 19 12:35:40 1997
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