Re: PIC on speed...

From: Zonn <>
Date: Thu Aug 14 1997 - 18:37:00 EDT

At 02:35 PM 8/14/97 -0800, you wrote:
>I dunno if anyone other than Zonn will like this, but since some of us are
>using PIC's for various projects...
>Check out and look at the "SX Key" announcements.
>It's a 16C54 (PIC) compatible chip, with 10 new instructions, Flash memory
>with *in-circuit* programmability, source/sink 30mA per pin, analog
>comparator, 2K words Flash, 136 words RAM, internal oscillator at 4MHz,
>External *50MHz* clock optional w/ 1 cycle per instruction, 12mA @ 50MHz at
>5V. Development system with full-speed ICE is $249.

I just checked out the web site. What is it with Parallax and there
rewriting of the PIC opcodes? It looks like their development system only
supports there re-writing of the assembler to the "Intuitive Intel like
instructions". For one I've never found the Intel instructions to be
anymore intuitive than anyone else's, and for two, the last time I looked at
the Parallax instruction set I thought I read that there was not always a 1
to 1 correspondence of mnemonic to opcode, some mnemonics generating more
that one opcode. If find that especially irritating...

Sorry, I just had to bitch.

Received on Thu Aug 14 15:33:32 1997

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