RE: interesting coincidence..

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Tue Aug 19 1997 - 19:52:20 EDT

G'day Zonn (and folks),

I haven't done any ROM comparisons for Tailgunner. This is the least
interesting of the Cinematronics games in my book. The closest I came
to the Tailgunner ROMs was proving that four files could be put on
EPROMs and worked in Rick's Tailgunner cabinet. I could be wrong but as
I remember it had the 2708 daughter board?

                Steven S Ozdemir

ps - Don't own a Tailgunner cabinet nor do I ever intend to.

>From: Zonn[]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 1997 6:00 PM
>Subject: RE: interesting coincidence..
>At 03:42 PM 8/19/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>Dave said:
>>"It's funny
>>that the attract mode screen shows TAIL GUNNER without the 2 (or II)"
>>Has anyone ever compared the two ROM sets to see if in fact they are the
>The thing that interested me was that in the flyer for Tailgunner II they
>claim there's an option for choosing between torpedos and laser (or cannons
>and phaser, you get the picture) and since Tailgunner didn't seem to have
>that option I assumed different ROMs, but I've been told the ROMs are the
>same -- I think Steve O. told me, is that the case Steve?
>I have access to a Tailgunner II, but in order to read the ROMs I'd have to
>unsolder their lame-o jumpers. (Geeze, we have these ROMs that were burned
>to be place in those sockets, but we have a bunch of old Vectorbeam boards,
>already wave soldered with sockets only in these spots, hm... I know!
>Let's bend up the select pins and then plug the ROMs into these sockets and
>jumper the chip selects over to those! -- genuis at work.)
Received on Tue Aug 19 16:54:21 1997

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