Re: yoke resonant frequency

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed Sep 03 1997 - 12:39:14 EDT

> Back in high school I took an old TV and ran wires from the yoke to
>a connector on the back. I plugged the speaked outputs of a (really) cheap
>stereo in there and "watched" some music. It was a 13 inch TV and a
>5W/channel amp and I was able to get full deflection (at least on the lows).
>So, would it be possible to just throw an LM12 or possibly a smaller audio
>amp at the yoke [LM12 is basically a massive op-amp. was it 50 or 100W]?

So I take it you disconnected the yoke from the vertical and horizontal
drive of the TV chassis? "Usually" that will be the end of *something* in
the horizontal section on most monitors since they're relying on the
horizontal retrace conduction path through the horizontal yoke windings to
kick the flyback. JoelR and I did some of this a couple years back with
audio amps and stock raster monitors and yokes with limited success.

(Once again, driven by the idea of my old Asteroids-clone monitor that was
using two STK0050 audio amps for driving the output coils... I *really*
need to take that thing apart and see how it works...)


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Wed Sep 3 08:38:22 1997

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