Re: yoke resonant frequency

From: Paul Kahler <>
Date: Wed Sep 03 1997 - 13:34:26 EDT

> > Back in high school I took an old TV and ran wires from the yoke to
> >a connector on the back. I plugged the speaked outputs of a (really) cheap
> >stereo in there and "watched" some music. It was a 13 inch TV and a
> >5W/channel amp and I was able to get full deflection (at least on the lows).
> >So, would it be possible to just throw an LM12 or possibly a smaller audio
> >amp at the yoke [LM12 is basically a massive op-amp. was it 50 or 100W]?
> So I take it you disconnected the yoke from the vertical and horizontal
> drive of the TV chassis? "Usually" that will be the end of *something* in
> the horizontal section on most monitors since they're relying on the
> horizontal retrace conduction path through the horizontal yoke windings to
> kick the flyback. JoelR and I did some of this a couple years back with
> audio amps and stock raster monitors and yokes with limited success.

Yes, we just cut the wires and left them hanging. It had occured to me that
it might cause the HV to go out, but it didn't in 2 13" BWs and one or two
big 25" color TVs (I don't remember what we drove the big ones with, may
have been the same cheapo stereo). One thing we never did is figure out
how to control the colors - we figured one color for each of 3 frequency
ranges would be cool and it would also act as a spot killer when the sound
went away (causing the beam to sit in the middle). I really think some type
of audio chip should be able to handle deflection in the XY monitors.

 ___   __   _   _  _
|   \ /  \ | | | || |     Engineer/Programmer
|  _/| || || |_| || |__     " What makes someone care so much?
|_|  |_||_| \___/ |____)      for things another man can just ignore. " -S.H.
Received on Wed Sep 3 09:34:22 1997

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