Re: Cine CPU exorsisor data up

From: Zonn <>
Date: Wed Oct 15 1997 - 16:33:40 EDT

On Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:18:04 -0500 (CDT), <>

> Thanks for getting the stuff up so quickly, {Dave, Al}!
> As far as complexity goes, this thing is SIMPLE. I will have a
>Verilog model done TODAY.
> Steve: Talk to me about your FPGA plans for this. I am almost
>certain that an FPGA is not necessary. It will easily fit into an HD-PAL,
>and maybe even 2 regular PAL/GALs.
> How many people are interested in getting one of these? This
>may be a likely candidate for a board run if there are enough people.
> I am, for sure, going to make one for myself...

A week ago I would have jumped at the opportunity, though I might be
getting a universal exorciser that is supposed to emulate the
Cinematronics and many of the Atari, and other game exorcisers (40+ in
all). Supposedly it has all the documentation, so well see...

If that doesn't work out I'll take one (hell depending on the price I
might want one anyways)

Either way, does anyone know of where to get a signal analyser?

(Clay I think you mentioned knowing who had a few at one time, I'm
assuming those are gone?)



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Received on Wed Oct 15 13:31:24 1997

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