Re: laser projector...

From: Kurt Mahan <>
Date: Tue Jan 13 1998 - 18:21:28 EST

> > Hey, you only need about 400 small vectors (max for Sundance, typically only
> > around 200) at 38hz for Cinematronics games!
> > (You build the contraption, I'll write the driver!)
> The thought of being able to play Tempest on a 12x12 wall has always
> been a dream of mine.

If the laser project works then there is gonna need to be a new sound
system done to support total surround sound..

It would also be cool to change things around so that tempest was like
the original where the tube spun. You could get seriously sick.. :)

I had a friend that worked at Evans & Sutherland -- she showed me what
some of the cool total immersion simulators could do -- they can make you
sick instantly.. I dreamed of running tempest and asteroids on their
supervector genenerator that they used for planetariums.. It would have
worked -- just the hardware cost was >500k.. *sigh*

Received on Tue Jan 13 14:18:45 1998

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