RE: LV2000 Order Form

From: Anders Knudsen <>
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 13:04:54 EST

At 08:30 AM 1/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>G'day Anders (and Clay),
>Well, I could be wrong since I've never seen Clay's handiwork, but your
>LV2000 sounds simpler. If you really are concerned about people
>assembling your boards properly, then put any extra time (yes, I'm
>referring to yours/mine/all of our's copious "spare time") into the
>instructions. Including a trouble shooting section with symptoms and
>likely mistakes that people made (and perhaps you found yourself doing
>while assembling PCBs) would save you many people calling you for help,
> Steven S Ozdemir

That is in the works. The instructions should be very good. There will be
pictures, and yes, some trouble shooting/avoid this mistake section.


| Anders Knudsen
| ASIC Design Engineer
| Adaptec, Inc., Boulder Technology Center
Received on Tue Jan 20 10:07:34 1998

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