Re: TVS suppression on deflection transistors...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 19:56:13 EST

>"Hey Al, were you going to get a couple of these and try getting some
>before/after scope traces to see how they performed?"
>..sounds like clay is going to beat me to it

Except it'll just be like a car-alarm to me. If it does it's job, I'll
feel like I just wasted my money on it. I'm just trying to entertain
myself while I wait for Sega Multigame boards and that WG6400 schematic.

I need to order some parts from Digikey anyway, so I'll grab some TVS'
while I'm at it. I'm not real sure how to "test" them though-- other than
put 'em on the Sencore and see if they really do trigger at the rated
voltage (and then put them on a WG and see if they "clamp" any actual
vectors or something).


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Tue Jan 20 16:54:54 1998

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