At 04:56 PM 1/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>"Hey Al, were you going to get a couple of these and try getting some
>>before/after scope traces to see how they performed?"
>>..sounds like clay is going to beat me to it
>Except it'll just be like a car-alarm to me. If it does it's job, I'll
>feel like I just wasted my money on it. I'm just trying to entertain
>myself while I wait for Sega Multigame boards and that WG6400 schematic.
Clay, I am scanning the 6400 schematics now. I am having to scan them
pretty large to get anything that looks worth a damn. Will put them up on
spies soon.
BTW: the scans *will* look as good as possible to my copies. I was a
scanner operator in pre ee days, so I knows whats I'm doin'.
| Anders Knudsen
| ASIC Design Engineer
| Adaptec, Inc., Boulder Technology Center
Received on Wed Jan 21 06:50:38 1998
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