RE: Battlezone Help

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Tue Feb 03 1998 - 18:21:36 EST

> OK, I turned on my BZ yesterday and before it had completely warmed up
> I
> pressed the start button. I don't know if this caused the
> problem...but I
> had been trying to give the machine a chance before hitting the
> button.
> Apparently, I wasn't paying attention and hit the button before the
> machine
> was completely up (screen) anyway.

Ahhh, sounds like the dreaded "mathbox cold solder joints" problem to
me. The Battlezone main board and "mathbox" board are joined by a
kind-of primative ribbon cable. Remove the boards and resolder all the
pins on the boards that the cable connects to. Should fix the problem,
if it doesn't you might need to go through and remove/replace the
socketed chips on the mathbox board.

Flip the "test mode" switch on the inside of the coin door (top, but the
hinge) and see what that says. I'll be you'll see an "M" (or is it an
"L" or "H"?) to the right of center of the screen-- this says the
mathbox is having problems...

Received on Tue Feb 3 15:23:56 1998

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