On Fri, 5 Jun 1998 10:41:16 -0700 , Clay Cowgill <ClayC@diamondmm.com> wrote:
>(With a sufficiently fast PC I
>bet you could do some path analysis on the vector display list and sort
>each frame for shortest draw time so you could run "fast" vector games
>(like Sega stuff) on a WG monitor...)
On a side note, this sounds a lot like the traveling salesman puzzle where one
tries to find the quickest route for a salesman that must visit a bunch of
Last I heard there is no sort for this kind of thing (short of a brute force
approach), in fact it's mostly believed that no algorithm will ever be found
(See Robert Sedgwick's "Algorithms" book). According to the chapter on
exhaustive searches even given a computer 1,000,000 times faster that today's
fastest (copyright was 1992) you couldn't sort a 100 points, of the traveling
salesman puzzle, in a year's time. Pretty hard to do a couple of hundred points
forty times a second...
But if you do work out this sort you could be very famous among the mathematical
types, and with a properly applied patent, very rich!
------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
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Received on Fri Jun 5 11:34:03 1998
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