Its a Fluke...

From: Alan J McCormick <>
Date: Tue Jul 21 1998 - 05:21:02 EDT

I recently picked up a Fluke 9010 at a hamswap and unfortunately I don't
have the manuals or any pods.

Firstly, how much do CPU pods cost?

Secondly, how much would Al K. pay for one ? :)

Thirdly (this might sound stupid), why do techies go ga-ga over these? I
don't think its because it won first prize in the Atari 400 lookalike
contest. I have a Fluke z80 CPU tshooter which looks like a dumbed down
version of this. It can do memory & I/O operations from a local keypad or
from an rs-232 port. I'm guessing the 9010 can do some mondo automated
testing but I can't do much w/o the pods.

Fourth, what does a CPU pod consist of?

p.s. I have a couple extra Fluke 73 series 2 DMMs (w/o leads). LMK if
anybody is interested. I would be willing to trade for a z80 pod.



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Received on Tue Jul 21 04:40:47 1998

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