Re: Star Trek/GO-8 stuff...

From: Ed Henciak <>
Date: Tue Aug 04 1998 - 14:45:44 EDT


   Could you send me this image. I have a cockpit and didn't realize
this...I've been playing it in a converted Tempest...I was talking about
this a couple days ago with Mike Kelly (RGVAC junkie as well) and it
totally slipped my mind that there is no P2 button in the cockpit version
of ST. Stupid...



On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Clay Cowgill wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I finally picked up my Star Trek cockpit this weekend. :-) So, now I
> can actually *use* my own Sega Multigame!
> Whoops... no I can't, because Mr. Science here (me) didn't know that
> there's only a "P1 start" button on the cockpit, and no P2 Start (makes
> sense now). Kinda impossible to pick games from the Sega Multigame menu
> that way... grrrrrrr... Anyway, I made a new "cockpit" version of the
> Sega Multigame ROM that uses "phaser" to choose the game and "start" to
> run it. E-mail me if you want a copy of the file to burn a replacement
> ROM (if you're going to use a Sega Multigame in a cockpit cab...)
> Question time...
> So, the monitor in the cockpit ST was dead (a dead, Go-8? really?) but
> after a few hours of tinkering I got it going. Some questions though:
> 1) Getting a lot of "wobbly goblins". Anyone have a shopping list of
> what electrolytic caps I should replace? (Values and voltage ratings
> would be great...)
> 2) My deflection transistors are all NTE-like "284's". It *seems* to
> work ok (vector wobble aside), but what's the consensus about 284's
> instead of the 2N6xxx's?
> 3) I was getting some corona/arcing from the HV lead going to the focus
> pot. I "fixed" this by removing the metal shield from around the EHT
> transformer and cleaning away the accumulated dust from 15 years... No
> place to arc to now. ;-) I'd assume arcing isn't normal, have any of
> you seen that? (Is it just me, or does 10.3KV going to the focus pot
> seem high? I know it's "right", it seems like a high value to use...)
> 4) the original transistors seemed to use a lot of MSPU10's and
> MPSU60's. Mine is using a 2N6558 instead of the MPSU10's on the
> deflection board. Sound reasonable? Anyone know a good cross/modern
> source for the 10's and 60's (aside from NTE crosses)? The 2SA818
> seemed close for one of them...
> Thanks!
> -Clay
Received on Tue Aug 4 13:51:37 1998

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