I was working on a tank game for the Sega vector game system. Kinda
like Bolo or X-tank if you've seen those. The spinner controls turret
position or tank direction depending on "aim" or "run" mode. one button
set run/aim, another was "go", and another was "fire". I was trying to
be sneaky and have a scrolling background, but never got around to
making it work fully. ;-)
(Ok, it's actually based on TRON, with all the graphics being Tron-like
It got pushed down on the queue 'cause I didn't have a Sega vector game
to test in, but now I do so maybe I'll work on it again for fun. Have
to finish off some other projects first though. (Ok, actually more like
"more projects than I can count" rather than "some other projects")
Something on an Atari AVG game would be cool, but I've been in Z-80 mode
for a long time now and switching processors too often hurts my brain.
> ----------
> From: Phil Yellott[SMTP:pyellott@longview.net]
> Reply To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 3:49 PM
> To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
> Subject: New Games
> Hey, how about some of you smart people making new games that are ROM
> swaps
> of Star Wars, or Tempest, or whatever?
> Given the hardware already there, could something new/different be
> implemented?
> Ideas?
> Phil
> -
> Phil Yellott (pyellott_at_longview.net) (http://www.tyler.net/zarek)
> -
> Wanted, $10,000 reward: Schroedinger's Cat, Dead or Alive
> -
> -
Received on Tue Aug 4 18:09:34 1998
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