G'day folks,
I certainly don't agree with the rationale of "I spent alot of
time/money finding the unique item" to keep rare/unique games from
everyone else. Making sure that the collecting community doesn't loose
these unique games _AGAIN_ should supercede any selfish desires.
I'd like to think folks would distribute the data/architecture of these
rare/unique games so that others in the collecting community wouldn't
have to go through the same trouble locating the game. Also doesn't it
count for something that the collecting community will always have
access to these rare/unique games by distributing the data/architecture
With that said, I'll also say that I think Jess has been most generous
over the years with both his time and WWW site. He has made significant
contributions to the collecting community, and I wish he'd continue with
this exemplary effort/behavior regarding this Alpha 2 matter.
Steve Ozdemir
ps - For the record, I've released both Demon code and the Cinematronics
Exercisor (with David Fish's help) to the collecting community.
If anyone wants to remanufacture the Demon sound board I'd be quite
interested in this. While it is digital the complexity of the Demon
sound board is on the order of Space Wars/Barrier sound boards...both of
which should be remanufactured by this point.
Received on Tue Aug 4 18:19:37 1998
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