Re: Star Wars - flyback suggestions?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 1998 - 19:10:10 EDT

Hi Mitchell!

The problem is that the resistance difference on a shorted winding could
be as low as .001 ohms. his is rather difficult to pick up, the Flyback
Testor works by sending a know signal though the flyback and counting
the number of "rings". A good flyback will ring more than a bad one.
This is just the way they are...

John :-#)#

Mitchell Rohde wrote:
> I understand where John is going with the flyback tester... but I
> don't quite understand why 99% of flyback problems can't be found
> with a meter. That is, just by checking the windings for shorts or
> open connections...
> Mitch

 John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9     
 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games), web page      
        "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Received on Mon Aug 17 18:07:25 1998

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