My Asteroids CPU displays an anomoly. The X width output
will momentarily squash the image all the way to the left,
and then re-focus the screen to the full screen play. It's
odd, the image will compress X-wise to about 30% of the full
screen image on the left hand border. I have localized it
to the CPU, because the monitor is fine with other boards.
(all right, I know it seems obvious that is was the CPU, not
the monitor...).
Any thoughts what causes the X-output to freak like this?
Capacitor attenuation on the CPU somewhere. (I have to dig
out my schematics again!)
-- ---this signature removed as a result of the ridiculous culture pervasive in the "political correctness" movement of the 21st century. Under which, lawyers and politicians, greedy for money and full of their own inflated eqos, sought to attain such at the expense of freedom of speech, common sense, and most any form of humor...---Received on Mon Aug 31 09:40:29 1998
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