Re: Tech: Asteroids screen image shrinkage?

From: <>
Date: Mon Aug 31 1998 - 10:50:00 EDT

On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, David Humphrey wrote:

> Dudes,
> My Asteroids CPU displays an anomoly. The X width output
> will momentarily squash the image all the way to the left,
> and then re-focus the screen to the full screen play. It's
> odd, the image will compress X-wise to about 30% of the full
> screen image on the left hand border. I have localized it
> to the CPU, because the monitor is fine with other boards.
> (all right, I know it seems obvious that is was the CPU, not
> the monitor...).
> Any thoughts what causes the X-output to freak like this?
> Capacitor attenuation on the CPU somewhere. (I have to dig
> out my schematics again!)

        The X-width pot is probably bad/broken/flaky.

        Try replacing that first....

Received on Mon Aug 31 09:50:03 1998

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