RE: Multi cabinet control panel routing

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 12:34:05 EST

> "The Atmel development kit with a circuitboard/programmer and software
> (assembler, programmer, simulator) is only $49."
> someone here at work just showed me an I2C -> async serial converter
> he built with the version of the part with a UART in it.. very cute..
Heh-heh. I just did async-serial -> I2C for a project of mine. It's
pretty handy since Atmel has an app-note for I2C Master/Slave
implementation and an app-note for Async Serial. ;-) The 90S1200
doesn't have a real UART, but you can bit-bang 115.2K async serial with
a 4MHz crystal, half duplex, but it works! Neat little part for under
$2! (Table lookups still suck though. Makes the PIC's table-lookup
hack seem handy by comparison...)

Received on Thu Dec 3 11:34:34 1998

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