Hmm, That's interesting. My UR Cine Space Wars has two light fixtures
in it. One for the marquee and one for the control panel down lower.
Just thought I'd throw that in to further confuse the issue.
Tom Cloud
From: Clay Cowgill <>
>To: "''"
>Subject: RE: sit-down space war
>Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:30:05 -0800
>> Another tidbit I'm curious about is the light fixture, or absence of
>> one in
>> Space War. Mine doesn't have one. Yet the one on the movie Tron
>> clearly has
>> the marquee lit up. I find it weird that someone would have rigged a
>> fixture
>> for this, but I guess it's possible.
>I wouldn't doubt it-- they do all sorts of weirdness to appease film
>cameras. About four (five?) years ago we were exhibiting at Macworld
>when they were filming "The Net" (the movie). The liked our booth and
>ended up shooting a bunch of scenes in there. (My claim to fame-- I'm
>in a couple shots for few hundred milliseconds... ;-) The weird thing
>was that all of our backlit "duratran" signs and logos freaked out the
>movie cameras. They ended up draping everything with black mosquito
>netting to "dim" it down. You can't see it at all in the movie, but
>booth looked like it was fortified to defend against an attack of giant
>mosquitos all day...
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Received on Tue Jan 5 17:50:30 1999
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