Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- 6502/65C02 data sheet
- 65C02 timing
- 65SC802?
- 8/16bit cpu w/ network
- 9000 series pod manuals
- 9010
- A call for submissions for the G08 Faq
- Alien Invader?
- Arcade Helper Page Updated
- ASTERIODS - HELP? Desperate ;-) TM-143?
- Asteriods SPEAKERS?
- Asteroids Deluxe board - help find short, please...
- Asteroids problems...while we're on the subject
- Asteroids Rate Mult
- Asteroids Troubles...Ram???
- Atari's development tools
- BattleZone probs....
- Binary Rate Multipliers...
- Cocktail tempest control panels FT
- Color Vector Monitors
- CPU Get well and AVG replacements
- crystals vs crystal oscillators
- Does anyone know pinouts on Asteroids CT or Asteroids Deluxe CT?
- Earoms..
- EPROM erasers and programmers for sale
- EPROM's $.50
- Exidy Vertigo board pictures
- FS/T: B/W WG XY monitor, etc...
- Funny vector drawing and TL082's
- Has anyone heard of or seen Vector
- Has anyone heard of or seen Vector "promo" Video Tapes??
- Help need BZ boards!!
- Help with asteriods recontruction plan?
- home made EPROM erasers
- HV setting on GO5 in Asteroids Deluxe CT??
- list VECTORLIST: List Message Rejected
- Logic Analyzers....
- Looking for Transistors
- Major Havoc differences?
- Major Havoc to Tempest board needed
- more eBay...
- Multi cabinet control panel routing
- Need 6502 timing info
- Need 6502 timing info)
- Need 6502 timing info...this is drifting a bit...
- New Vector Games)
- Newbie Couple of quickie questions
- overtones
- POKEYs (flameproofing)
- PROM programmer for sale on Ebay (warning)
- prom programmers
- sit-down space war
- sit-down Space War?
- Sometimes miracles happen
- Speed Freak shifter
- Star Wars Matrix errors...
- star-tech cd
- Startech Journal Back Issues?
- Startech Journal Back Issues? (LONG)
- Starwars board edge connectors...
- sticker removal
- Stupid vector monitor question
- TECH Questions: G05 Electrohome x-y
- Tech: Asteriods
- Tech: Asteroids Deluxe
- Tech: Transistor on regulator bd cause spot?
- Tempest Monitor Problems
- Test, just delete me.
- Testing Cinematronics CPU's
- The four different Amplifone boards
- To gut or not to gut, that is the question...
- unipak device lists
- where to get parts?
- zonn's timings scans
- Last message date: Fri Jan 29 1999 - 13:51:40 EST
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:31:15 EDT