Where do you buy Kester 333 solder?
(it's probably sold everywhere, but I'm too lazy to look it up)
-----Original Message-----
From: Clay Cowgill []
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 1999 9:40 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: sticker removal
> The triclor substitutes are OK but some seem to be even more plastic
> unfriendly. Others leave a white cakey residue when used as a flux
> stripper. Now I just use acetone for flux stripping.
When cleaning "fresh" flux (like when you just soldered something in the
last 24 hours) anhydrous isopropol alcohol works well. I use it with an
old toothbrush and just scrub a bit. Safe on everything I can think of.
The stuff I'm *really* in love with now is Kester 333 solder. (The red
box.) Organic water soluable flux. Literally just hose it off with
warm water (the "sprayer" on you kitchen sink is ideal). No scrubbing
required. Perfectly clean.
Received on Thu Jan 7 10:52:38 1999
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