RE: Alien Invader?

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 17:19:31 EST

G'day Al (and all),

My memory matches the KLOV description, but I'm sure Alien Invaders was NOT
vector. KLOV needs to be corrected.

While KLOV is mostly fed by new games in VAPS at this point, it is quite
conceivable that an owner misclicks while filling out an entry. The KLOV
keeper may catch the error (and Brian is one of the best suited for this
task), but otherwise other KLOV users will have to catch it as Al did.

There's been some discussion of an "audit" as we have in VAPS, but this may
be more difficult for game descriptions. There are 950+ games in KLOV but
only 750+ games in VAPS. Some VAPS members have left and taken the only
instance of a game leaving only their description in KLOV.

                Steve Ozdemir

ps - Some KLOV descriptions are volunteered by non-owners, but I've always
discouraged this since memories about specific details often are vague. The
KLOV instructions explicitly discourage "guessing".

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 1:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Alien Invader?
> OK, who has ever heard of this game?
> Jim Hernandez's entry for it is
> Alien Invader Ded Universal Co. Ltd. '79 2P 3 Button
> Shooter
> no mention there of it being a vector game, yet the KLOV entry claims that
> it is.
> The description seems identical to Universal's "Cosmic Alien" and 1979
> seems WAY
> too early for a color vector game.
> have they changed the rules for adding KLOV entries? I thought someone
> actually
> had to have a game to add a game to the list
> Normally I wouldn't care, but wasn't the whole point of scrapping the
> original
> KLOV list was to get rid of unverified entries?
Received on Thu Jan 28 16:19:18 1999

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