Hi Rodger,
>(snicker) "Are 2N3055's still available?" (rolling on the
>floor now) Maybe (laughing out loud) depends how
>many MILLION you need (har HAR!!)
Heh, heh, I'm not really up on the analogue side of things - I'm a digital
guy.... :-)
Seems I got hold of the wrong end of the stick, the LM305 was the one my friend
actually meant was out of production....unless someone knows different (I hope,
because that one is toast too).
TTFN - Pete.
-- Peter Pachla: Computer Hardware & Software Engineer, Sound Engineer, Arcade Machines Collector, Obsolete Computer\Games Console Collector, Barman, & General Fun Guy.... E-Mail: peter.pachla@virgin.net (primary account) peter.pachla@vectrex.freeserve.co.uk peter.pachla@wintermute.free-online.co.uk --Received on Mon Jan 18 18:16:14 1999
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