Maybe this should be posted to RGVAC to get a wider audience... on 01/08/99 12:13:23 AM
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Franklin Bowen/MD/CheckFree)
Subject: Re: To gut or not to gut, that is the question...
In a message dated 1/7/99 2:13:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<< Either I had a very real dream about this, or I have abused my brain far
too much since and scrambled my memory, but I swear I saw some people
escaping death from the "fuse" in two-player-attached mode at the time
Space Duel first came out. As I recall, they would hold down the shield
button and thrust at full speed. >>
Nooo, you're not going crazy Miranda. I remember seeing the same thing, but
don't think it worked all the time. I've tried many times on my SD, but I
can't duplicate it. Anybody else tried or seen this trick?
Received on Fri Jan 8 08:13:29 1999
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