Re: Need 6502 timing info

From: Anders Knudsen <aknudsen.96_at_slate.Mines.EDU>
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 18:32:53 EST

At 04:27 PM 1/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>Here's a copy of the 6502 timing specs from an 1985 Rockwell Data Book.
>>(So far the best way to send scans, space wise, seems to be ZIP'd .BMP files,
>>maybe some newer .TIF formats would beat this, but all I have is Paint
>Shop Pro
>>5 and using that software, ZIP'd .BMP are smaller than all it's formats.)
>>I'll send the 65C02 in another e-mail...
>Thanks Zonn for both of those.
>Q? does the 6502A have different timing specs than the 6502?

Duh. Never mind. I just looked at the AC char. page. There is a column
there for the 65XXA device.

a n d e r s k n u d s e n
Received on Thu Jan 21 17:26:49 1999

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