Funny vector drawing and TL082's

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 15:16:30 EST

Just thought I'd mention this since it caused me some grief and might
save some of you some trouble...

I was testing a display corrector and was getting weird "squiggles" in
some of the vectors. I suspected a bad ground, but after that checked
out OK I went after the power supplies. After working those over to no
avail I decided to swap out the Exar manufactured TL082 op-amp (common
op-amp in Atari Vector Generators) for a TI made part.

Low and behold, TI parts worked fine, XR marked parts didn't. Weird.
Extra-strange was the fact that vectors would be deformed *in* the line,
and not at the beginning or end points. Beats me what would cause that,
but Exar's off my "approved vendor list" for working on vector
generators. ;-)

Received on Mon Jan 25 14:16:50 1999

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