Re: home made EPROM erasers

From: Alan J McCormick <>
Date: Fri Jan 22 1999 - 07:00:32 EST

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 18:02:49 -0600 Mark Shostak <>
>> Since were on the disscusion of EPROM erasers, I
>> thought I'd share how I made my own, because
>> I didn't want to spend $40 for a DataRase II.
>FWIW, I was able to come up with an EPROM eraser
>that was both powerful and economical (i.e. cheap).
>I bought an old mercury street lamp for $5 at a flea market.
>The bulb is contained inside an outer glass filter/casing.
>Once you (carefully) remove the outer casing, the bulb
>emits an incredible amount of UV!

I was at the store today and I saw a miniature version of the kind of
lamp that states on the package to replace the bulb if the outer bulb is
damaged. From the warnings it sounded like it was to prevent people from
UV. This might work as an eraser but I didn't pick one up to try out. It
screws into a nornal light socket and runs on 120v.


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Received on Fri Jan 22 06:04:46 1999

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