Just a note on the STJ CD.
The First STJ CD is a pain in the butt to use. It is of low quality and was
created using a goofy format that can only be read with the Microsoft Media
Player. You cannot print out any of the articles, as the print button is
always grayed out.
I know the second volume and all the rest of the CD's use Adobe Acrobat, the
first one did not.
The index is only useful to see if a topic is covered. When you click on the
link, it always sends you to the first page, in the particular issue, that the
article appears in. Then you have to scroll through the entire issue to find
the article. On my screen, the articles appear very grainy and hard to read.
I think they need to redo the first CD using Adobe Acrobat. It would be nice
to print articles for reference or to put in my toolbox. Also, alot of the
articles sound interesting, but instead turn out to be recall notices or very
basic tips.
i.e. An article that is titled, 'G08 fix', turns out to be a recall notice
that says that the factory is replacing all monitors, free of charge. Don't
get me wrong, there is some good info, but it's not the 'holy grail' of
** I may have an old version of the CD, so all this may be a waste of
Just my stupid opinion,
Received on Fri Jan 8 14:24:25 1999
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