Re: Need 6502 timing info

From: Zonn <>
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 17:36:25 EST

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:50:32 -0700, Anders Knudsen <aknudsen.96@slate.Mines.EDU>

>Hey all, not exacly a vector topic, but related. I'm looking for timing
>diagrams for 6502 access times (i.e., clock, r/w strobe, address, data
>timing relationships, setup/hold, etc.)
>I have this old book Programming the 6502, however, there is very little
>hardware info contained.
>Anyone know where I could get timing specs for the 6502? I broused around
>the web looking for 6502 data sheets but found nothing.

Here's a copy of the 6502 timing specs from an 1985 Rockwell Data Book.

(So far the best way to send scans, space wise, seems to be ZIP'd .BMP files,
maybe some newer .TIF formats would beat this, but all I have is Paint Shop Pro
5 and using that software, ZIP'd .BMP are smaller than all it's formats.)

I'll send the 65C02 in another e-mail...


Received on Thu Jan 21 16:38:30 1999

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