Rodger Boots wrote:
> Be careful guys, there is a PROM/EPROM programmer selling
> cheap on Ebay and it looks to be in excellent shape.
> HOWEVER, I have one of these, so I'll warn you about it.
> It is OLD, processor is either a 4004 or a 4040. "Personality
> modules" are 1702 EPROMs. Almost every chip in this thing
> is obsolete! Prolog has long since left the programmer business,
> so forget any chance of support.
> On the plus side, it is BUILT! They were serious when they
> designed this. But although it will handle PROMs and even
> EPROMs up to 2716s (don't think it will handle anything
> larger, but maybe it will do 2732s) it requires that you have
> the adapter for each family of chip. It will handle entry by
> keyboard or through RS-232 (if you can figure out the transfer
> protocols). It even has a switch on the PROM fixture to
> reverse the data (0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0), a handy thing
> for putting Nintendo boards in non-Nintendo games and
> vice-versa. You just flip the data in the color PROMs to
> invert the image.
> It is at
> you have been warned.
> (Damn fine museum piece, though).
Might be worth it for the eraser, though.
Received on Fri Jan 15 05:31:31 1999
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