Hi Clay,
>I believe so. NatSemi was making them about a year and a half ago so
>there's probably some around somewhere....
Yes, I haven't had a chance to do too much digging around yet but none of my
usual suppliers around here seem to carry them - I'm sure if I dig hard enough
I'll find one somewhere though if they were still in production that recently.
TTFN - Pete.
-- Peter Pachla: Computer Hardware & Software Engineer, Sound Engineer, Arcade Machines Collector, Obsolete Computer\Games Console Collector, Barman, & General Fun Guy.... E-Mail: peter.pachla@virgin.net (primary account) peter.pachla@vectrex.freeserve.co.uk peter.pachla@wintermute.free-online.co.uk --Received on Wed Jan 20 19:12:21 1999
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