On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 10:53:19 -0800 (PST) "Miranda K. Collins"
<miranda@angel.com> writes:
>On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 MKDUD@aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 1/7/99 2:13:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> writes:
>> << Either I had a very real dream about this, or I have abused my
brain far
>> too much since and scrambled my memory, but I swear I saw some people
>> escaping death from the "fuse" in two-player-attached mode at the
>> Space Duel first came out. As I recall, they would hold down the
>> button and thrust at full speed. >>
>> Nooo, you're not going crazy Miranda. I remember seeing the same
thing, but I
>> don't think it worked all the time. I've tried many times on my SD,
but I
>> can't duplicate it. Anybody else tried or seen this trick?
>Well in that case it does seem to me that it must have been an earlier
>version. I, of course, have also tried many many times but it never
>works. In fact, it is just habit to try it every time I have the
>just in case one day it does work! Since I saw it happen more than
once, I
>would have to guess that if we haven't been able to do it after all this
>time, it is impossible on *our* SDs.
What would happen if you survived? Would the single player play out his
ship alone or would the other player come online attached or alone?
FWIW I haven't played a game on this board since I didn't get a control
panel until recently.
I never noticed any difference in the labels between 0016 and my other
boards. However, I never tried dumping the ROMs either. I will do so as
soon as I can put my EPROM reader back in my machine.
This discussion is great if it unearths a "lost" revision but it doesn't
answer the question in my message.
Should I strip the jig or should I preserve it? I'm itching to play SD
and Retrocade just doesn't cut it anymore...
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Received on Sat Jan 9 21:17:36 1999
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