In a message dated 1/26/99 10:30:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<< I would beleive what your friend says is probably true.. Williams and Sega
still produce promotional videos for every game they produce and have for
as long as I have been going to distributors (since about '91), I'ms sure
they were making them long before that. Definately check into it.. and if
you get them and have interested parties wanting copies I'll be glad to
provide a duplication service. Another "hobby" of mine is messing around
with professional video equipment and I have several pro Beta VCRs so I
can make an excellent dub to Beta, superBeta, ED-Beta, VHS, or S-VHS.
Beta is better anyway :>
I was aware that the Beta was better. I also appreciate the intrest that
you guys have for the promo vids. I think I'm going to tell the guy that I
need to see the videos (make sure they are viewable, not totally deteriorated,
and be sure they are actually coin-op promos as he says) before I spend $100
on them. I'll keep you all posted, and if they turn out to be what he says,
I'll defiantely be getting them, and I'll probably work out something where
every one can have them for a reasonable price. (I was thinking $30 for 5, he
says there are 10 of them.)
Received on Wed Jan 27 09:56:37 1999
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