Hi Zonn!
Gee I thought it was me... when I was trying to figure out how they use
the PROM programming I kept getting confused...you need to go into the
Buffer Editor and change the format from byte to bit so the PROMs will
program correctly. I ruin one or two proms every time I haul this thing
out when I haven't used it for a couple of months and forget to convert
the data format. Did I mention that the software SUCKS. Hold the device
close to your ear, I swear there is a sucking noise when it is used...
On the other hand, it is cheap, it DOES handle triple supply and even
ancient devices (1701) and they are happy to walk you through problems.
It does program fine, and is as fast as it needs to be.
The software really sucks though. But I think Zonn mentioned that...
John :-#)#
Zonn wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 11:03:25 -0800 (PST), Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern
> California <matt@rossiters.com> wrote:
> >The website is www.arlabs.com. I've been scoping this out too. They can
> >provide schematics for you and you can actually build your own adapters
> >for pretty cheap. The cost is about $289. The adapters are extra $$$ -
> >http://www.arlabs.com/adapters.htm - but are pretty cheap if you put them
> >together yourself.
> I own this one. The packaging is nice, plugs into a parallel port, so you can
> carry it to a friends house to get rom dumps.
> It's biggest drawback is the software *really* SUCKS! Never let hardware
> engineers write software!
> The PROM adapter at $99 is worth buying (it'd be a real pain to build from
> scratch). The other adapters (2532, 2564, etc.) are a piece of cake to build.
> It's not quite as convenient to use as the Needhams, you have to set a bank of
> switches to go between different types of EPROMs (where the Needhams is fully
> software controllable, just select the part and put it in the socket). However
> the software does tell you how to set the switches for each part so you don't
> need to lug around a reference manual.
> It's biggest advantage is that it will read and write the ole triple voltage
> parts. It's hard to find any new programmer that can do that.
> Did I tell you the software REALLY SUCKS!!!! It will most certainly be the
> worst piece of software you'll be forced to use. It's like an early 80's (jr?)
> high school project entitled: "My First Program".
> The programmer went back and forth between calling the BIOS and DOS when polling
> for user input, so it's nearly impossible to even automated it with one of those
> simulated keypress programs used in batch files.
> It makes Needhams software look like Win98 in comparison!
> -Zonn
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
> ------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
> |---- | ( ) Association for Artistically
> / / ( () ) Challenged Signatures
> / / //\\ // (__)
> / ---/ // \\ //\\ // zonn @ zonn . com
> -------| // \\/
-- John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games) mailto:jrr_at_flippers.com, web page http://www.flippers.com "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."Received on Tue Jan 12 18:07:34 1999
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