Hi Mark,
>It all depends on what you value more, your time or your money. I always try
>to use machine pin sockets. A few extra pennies for a good socket....
The problem is that the turned pin variety of socket is considerably more
expensive than the ordinary sort, at least over here - something like 5 times
more expensive! Then again I suppose it'll be worth it to permenantly remove
one common point of failure....
>If they are unavailable, I'd just buy another aud/reg board.....
That's my plan, though I won't be seriously looking for one for a week or two
>....Also, you can use one of the Midway Space Invaders power supplies....
Hmm....no, even though I don't play it much I couldn't trash my Space Invaders
Pt II....took too much effort to get going in the first place.... :-)
TTFN - Pete.
-- Peter Pachla: Computer Hardware & Software Engineer, Sound Engineer, Arcade Machines Collector, Obsolete Computer\Games Console Collector, Barman, & General Fun Guy.... E-Mail: peter.pachla@virgin.net (primary account) peter.pachla@vectrex.freeserve.co.uk peter.pachla@wintermute.free-online.co.uk --Received on Thu Jan 21 20:02:12 1999
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