Re: sticker removal

From: Alan J McCormick <>
Date: Wed Jan 06 1999 - 22:08:15 EST

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 14:27:13 -0700 "TomW" <> writes:
>Go to your local Hobby shop and buy a spray can of MOTOR CLEANER
>that they use on RC Cars.
>Its just a form of TriClor but 'not as harmfull' for the enviroment, it
takes the
>glue off with a swipe or two, cleans contacts and edge connectors, and
>cheaper than buying contact cleaner at an electronic shop, around $7 for
>a LARGE spray can,

Trichlor works wonders. Its what I used back at an old job for removing
all stickers from EPROMs, EPLDs, PALs etc. If you really put your back
into it, you can even remove the device markings.

>oh, and its safe on plastic...

*some* plastics. Use on a small spot before you use it to clean your
Zektor marquee. The vectorlist takes no responsibility for any melted
plastic marquees. :)

My favorite triclor story is once I had to clean a VCR chassis that was
covered in motor oil (don't ask why...) and a gearhead friend suggested
using triclor. I sprayed it on and the oil melted away like a springtime
snowfall. I ran my finger across the case after the triclor evaporated
and it was so clean it squeaked. I set the plastic chassis down and went
to work on cleaning the PCBs.

Later I went back and noticed the chassis had my fingerprints melted into
it (especially where I squaked my finger across it)

The triclor substitutes are OK but some seem to be even more plastic
unfriendly. Others leave a white cakey residue when used as a flux
stripper. Now I just use acetone for flux stripping.


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Received on Thu Jan 7 03:44:44 1999

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