(snicker) "Are 2N3055's still available?" (rolling on the
floor now) Maybe (laughing out loud) depends how
many MILLION you need (har HAR!!)
Oh, God, thanks---I needed that badly!
But seriously, the 2N3055 is probably the easiest to
find (and one of the worst) power transistors on the
planet. I swear, any power transistor that can't make
spec probably gets stamped as a 2N3055 just so they
can get rid of it!
Allied want $1.02 for it (not bad), MCM gets $1.60,
Newark wants $2.10, and an ECG130, NTE 130, or
SK3027 is about $4 (rape). Even Radio Shack sells
them as catalog number 276-2041.
But searching the web, it DOES appear there are no
good parts stores in the UK (or at least they don't
bother with the web).
Peter Pachla wrote:
> My friend couldn't get a 2N3055 which is why he used a voltage regulator
> instead. Are 2N3055s still available, if not can anyone suggest a suitable
> alternative as I intend to reverse his mods and put things back the way they
> should be?
Received on Mon Jan 18 00:49:43 1999
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