> An easy way to "mass desolder" is to use a propane torch and a work
> bench...heat the pc board, whack the board on the bench and the solder
> FLIES off, then the IC will pop out.....very quick and "dirty" parts
> removal.
Actually, a heat gun works better. The kind where you have multiple
temp settings works best- you can desolder a board and not ruin the board
if you set the heat properly.
With a heat gun, you have less chance of a "hot spot" than with a propane
torch. The airflow from a heat gun also heats up a bigger section of the
-- ----------------------------------------------------------- Cristopher J. Rhea Mayo Foundation Research Computing Facility Pavilion 2-25 crhea@Mayo.EDU Rochester, MN 55905 Fax: (507) 266-4486 (507) 284-0587 -----------------------------------------------------------Received on Mon Jan 11 13:22:42 1999
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